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Chill Hop
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Chill Hip Hop Grooves, Great for any produciton that is looking for that cool Lo_Fi Hip Hop sound
Space & Sound Music SSM0071
- 001Wallpaper MemoriesFull Mix2:17
- 002Wallpaper MemoriesAlt Mix No Drums2:17
- 003Wallpaper MemoriesAlt Mix Drums + Bass2:16
- 004Dust JacketFull Mix1:37
- 005Dust JacketAlt Mix No Lead1:37
- 006Dust JacketAlt Mix Drums and Bass1:37
- 007Dust JacketAlt Mix Drums and Percussion1:37
- 008Dust JacketAlt Bed Track1:37
- 009Every SundayFull Mix2:09
- 010Every SundayAlt Mix No Lead2:09
- 011Every SundayAlt Mix Bed Track2:09
- 012Every SundayAlt Mix Drums And Bass2:09
- 013Every SundayAlt Mix Drums And Percussion2:09
- 014TransitionFull Mix2:22
- 015TransitionAlt Mix No Lead2:22
- 016TransitionAlt Mix No Drums2:22
- 017Room With A ViewFull Mix2:19
- 018Room With A ViewAlt Mix No Lead2:19
- 019Room With A ViewAlt Mix Drums and Bass2:19
- 020BreezwayFull Mix2:12
- 021BreezwayAlt Mix No Lead2:12
- 022BreezwayAlt Mix Drums And Percussion2:12
- 023BreezwayAlt Mix Drums And Bass2:12
- 024BreezwayAlt Mix Bed Track2:12
- 025Days Like ThisFull Mix1:51
- 026Days Like ThisAlt Mix Drums + Bass1:49
- 027Days Like ThisAlt Mix No Drums1:51
- 028AviatorsFull Mix1:52
- 029AviatorsAlt Mix No Lead1:52
- 030AviatorsAlt Mix Bed Track1:52
- 031AviatorsAlt Mix Drums And Bass1:52
- 032AviatorsAlt Mix Drums And Percusion1:52
- 033Chill GrooveFull Mix2:15
- 034Chill GrooveAlt MIx No Lead2:15
- 035Chill GrooveAlt MIx Drums and Bass2:15
- 036Fingerless GlovesFull Mix1:57
- 037Fingerless GlovesAlt Mix No Lead1:57
- 038Fingerless GlovesAlt Mix Drums And Percussion1:57
- 039Fingerless GlovesAlt Mix Drums And Bass1:57
- 040Fingerless GlovesAlt Mix Bed Track1:57
- 041RefoRandomFull Mix2:49
- 042RefoRandomBed Track2:49
- 043RefoRandomDrums, Bass, No Chords2:49
- 044RefoRandomNo Drums, No Bass2:49
- 045RefoRandomDrums, Perc, Bass2:49
- 046Better DaysFull Mix2:20
- 047Better DaysAlt Mix No Drums2:20
- 048Better DaysAlt Mix Drums + Bass2:17
- 049Blissful Lonely NightFull Mix1:20
- 050Blissful Lonely NightAlt Mix No Lead1:20
- 051Blissful Lonely NightAlt Mix No Drums1:20
- 052Blissful Lonely NightAlt Mix Drums + Bass1:20
- 053Stolen Bowling ShoesFull Mix2:07
- 054Stolen Bowling ShoesAlt Mix No Lead2:07
- 055Stolen Bowling ShoesAlt Mix Drums And Percussion2:07
- 056Stolen Bowling ShoesAlt Mix Drums And Bass2:07
- 057Stolen Bowling ShoesAlt Mix Bed Track2:07
- 058Checking Things OutFull Mix2:18
- 059Checking Things OutNo Drums2:18
- 060Checking Things OutDrums & Bass2:18
- 061Color & ShapeFull Mix2:43
- 062Color & ShapeAlt Mix Melodic Elements2:43
- 063Color & ShapeAlt Mix Drums Percussion and Bass2:43
- 064Enjoying the SunsetFull Mix1:55
- 065Enjoying the SunsetAlt Mix No Lead1:57
- 066Enjoying the SunsetAlt Mix No Drums1:57
- 067Enjoying the SunsetAlt Mix Drums + Bass1:57
- 068In The LobbyFull Mix2:59
- 069In The LobbyAlt Mix Melodic Elements2:59
- 070In The LobbyAlt Mix Drums and Bass2:59
- 071A Story Worth LivingFull Mix1:48
- 072A Story Worth LivingAlt Mix No Lead1:48
- 073A Story Worth LivingAlt Mix No FX1:48
- 074A Story Worth LivingAlt Mix No Drums1:48
- 075A Story Worth LivingAlt Mix Drums + Bass1:48
- 076Last NightFull Mix2:10
- 077Last NightNo Drums No Solo Piano2:10
- 088Last NightNo Drums2:10
- 089Last NightNo Solo Piano2:10
- 090Last NightDrums & Bass2:10
- 091Late Night Cab RideFull Mix3:18
- 092Late Night Cab RideAlt Mix Melodic Elements3:18
- 093Late Night Cab RideAlt Mix Drums and Bass3:18
- 094Rainy Day and InsideFull Mix2:18
- 095Rainy Day and InsideAlt Mix Melodic Elements2:18
- 096Rainy Day and InsideAlt Mix Drums and Bass2:18
- 097ResetFull Mix1:44
- 098ResetAlt Mix No Lead1:44
- 099ResetAlt Mix No Drums1:44
- 100ResetAlt Mix No Pads1:44
- 101ResetAlt Mix No Guitar1:44
- 102Saturday In The ParkFull Mix2:09
- 103Saturday In The ParkAlt Mix No Lead2:09
- 104Saturday In The ParkAlt Mix Bed Track2:09
- 105Saturday In The ParkAlt Mix Drums And Bass2:09
- 106Saturday In The ParkAlt Mix Drums And Percussion2:09
- 107Second ThoughtsFull Mix2:06
- 108Second ThoughtsAlt Mix No Drums2:06
- 109Second ThoughtsDrums and Bass2:06
- 110The Boy and The PeachFull Mix2:21
- 111The Boy and The PeachAlt Mix Melodic Elements2:21
- 112The Boy and The PeachAlt Mix Drums and Bass2:21
- 113The MoonFull Mix2:24
- 114The MoonAlt Mix Drums and Bass2:24
- 115The MoonAlt Mix Melodic Elements2:24
- 116Lofi #3Full Mix (No Alt Mixs)1:29
- 117VictoryFull Mix1:56
- 118VictoryAlt Mix Drums + Bass1:56
- 119VictoryAlt Mix No Lead1:56
- 120What Dis DrumFull Mix2:07
- 121What Dis DrumAlt mix keys2:07
- 122What Dis DrumAlt mix perc2:07
- 123What Dis DrumAlt mix prc bass2:07