Stronger Together

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Stronger Together LUV114

Filmische Scores mit Streichern: ruhige Anfänge steigern sich zu breiten Arrangements mit Eleganz und Weite.

Temp Love LUV114

  • 001Opportunity AwaitsFULL2:04
  • 002A Better PlaceFULL2:16
  • 003Thought Into ActionFULL2:26
  • 004Stronger TogetherFULL3:01
  • 005The MovementFULL1:52
  • 006Be The ChangeFULL1:59
  • 007UpwardsFULL1:42
  • 008A Safe PlaceFULL1:48
  • 009UnitedFULL1:43
  • 010ProgressFULL2:08
  • 011ResolutionFULL1:54
  • 012Change The CourseFULL1:55
  • 013Focus On The MomentFULL2:09
  • 014Opportunity AwaitsALT1 NoLeads2:04
  • 015Opportunity Awaits30 Seconds Edit0:33
  • 016Opportunity Awaits60 Seconds Edit1:03
  • 017Opportunity AwaitsSTEM1 Loops2:04
  • 018Opportunity AwaitsSTEM2 Synth2:04
  • 019Opportunity AwaitsSTEM3 Cymbals2:04
  • 020Opportunity AwaitsSTEM4 Bass2:04
  • 021Opportunity AwaitsSTEM5 Guitar2:04
  • 022Opportunity AwaitsSTEM6 Dulcimer2:04
  • 023Opportunity AwaitsSTEM7 Harmonium2:04
  • 024Opportunity AwaitsSTEM8 Piano2:04
  • 025Opportunity AwaitsSTEM9 Horns2:04
  • 026Opportunity AwaitsSTEM10 StringsLong2:04
  • 027Opportunity AwaitsSTEM11 StringsShort2:04
  • 028Opportunity AwaitsSTEM12 Winds2:04
  • 029A Better PlaceALT1 MinimalMix2:16
  • 030A Better Place30 Seconds Edit0:31
  • 031A Better Place60 Seconds Edit1:00
  • 032A Better PlaceSTEM1 Percussion2:16
  • 033A Better PlaceSTEM2 Bass2:16
  • 034A Better PlaceSTEM3 FX2:16
  • 035A Better PlaceSTEM4 Dulcimer2:16
  • 036A Better PlaceSTEM5 Piano2:16
  • 037A Better PlaceSTEM6 Vibes2:16
  • 038A Better PlaceSTEM7 StringsLong2:16
  • 039A Better PlaceSTEM8 StringsStacc2:16
  • 040A Better PlaceSTEM9 StringsPizz2:16
  • 041Thought Into ActionALT1 MinimalMix2:26
  • 042Thought Into Action30 Seconds Edit0:33
  • 043Thought Into Action60 Seconds Edit1:02
  • 044Thought Into ActionSTEM1 Percussion2:26
  • 045Thought Into ActionSTEM2 Bass2:26
  • 046Thought Into ActionSTEM3 Guitar2:26
  • 047Thought Into ActionSTEM4 Pads2:26
  • 048Thought Into ActionSTEM5 SynthLoops2:26
  • 049Thought Into ActionSTEM6 Brass2:26
  • 050Thought Into ActionSTEM7 Strings2:26
  • 051Thought Into ActionSTEM8 Winds2:26
  • 052Thought Into ActionSTEM9 Harp2:26
  • 053Thought Into ActionSTEM10 Dulcimer2:26
  • 054Stronger TogetherALT1 MinimalMix3:01
  • 055Stronger Together30 Seconds Edit0:39
  • 056Stronger Together60 Seconds Edit1:09
  • 057Stronger TogetherSTEM1 Percussion3:01
  • 058Stronger TogetherSTEM2 Harp3:01
  • 059Stronger TogetherSTEM3 Piano3:01
  • 060Stronger TogetherSTEM4 SynthPads3:01
  • 061Stronger TogetherSTEM5 Brass3:01
  • 062Stronger TogetherSTEM6 StringsLong3:01
  • 063Stronger TogetherSTEM7 StringsShort3:01
  • 064Stronger TogetherSTEM8 Winds3:01
  • 065The MovementALT1 NoLeads1:52
  • 066The Movement30 Seconds Edit0:33
  • 067The Movement60 Seconds Edit1:03
  • 068The MovementSTEM1 Bass1:52
  • 069The MovementSTEM2 Synth1:52
  • 070The MovementSTEM3 PianoTrills1:52
  • 071The MovementSTEM5 PianoChords1:52
  • 072The MovementSTEM6 PianoMain1:52
  • 073The MovementSTEM7 Celeste1:52
  • 074The MovementSTEM8 CelesteFX1:52
  • 075Be The ChangeALT1 NoLeads1:59
  • 076Be The Change30 Seconds Edit0:35
  • 077Be The Change60 Seconds Edit1:05
  • 078Be The ChangeSTEM1 Kick1:59
  • 079Be The ChangeSTEM2 Percussion1:59
  • 080Be The ChangeSTEM3 SynthBass1:59
  • 081Be The ChangeSTEM4 StringsLegato1:59
  • 082Be The ChangeSTEM5 StringsSpicc1:59
  • 083Be The ChangeSTEM6 Brass1:59
  • 084Be The ChangeSTEM7 Choir1:59
  • 085Be The ChangeSTEM8 Guitar1:59
  • 086Be The ChangeSTEM9 Synth1:59
  • 087Be The ChangeSTEM10 SynthPads1:59
  • 088Be The ChangeSTEM11 Drone1:59
  • 089Be The ChangeSTEM12 EchoPad1:59
  • 090Be The ChangeSTEM13 Piano1:59
  • 091Be The ChangeSTEM14 PianoFX1:59
  • 092UpwardsALT1 NoLeads1:42
  • 093Upwards30 Seconds Edit0:32
  • 094Upwards60 Seconds Edit1:02
  • 095UpwardsSTEM1 Bass1:42
  • 096UpwardsSTEM2 StringsLow1:42
  • 097UpwardsSTEM3 StringsHi1:42
  • 098UpwardsSTEM4 StringsLead1:42
  • 099UpwardsSTEM5 Piano11:42
  • 100UpwardsSTEM6 Piano21:42
  • 101UpwardsSTEM7 Celeste1:42
  • 102A Safe PlaceALT1 NoLeads1:48
  • 103A Safe Place30 Seconds Edit0:32
  • 104A Safe Place60 Seconds Edit1:01
  • 105A Safe PlaceSTEM1 StringPads1:48
  • 106A Safe PlaceSTEM2 StringsPizz1:48
  • 107A Safe PlaceSTEM3 Synth1:48
  • 108A Safe PlaceSTEM4 Mandolins1:48
  • 109A Safe PlaceSTEM5 PianoLow1:48
  • 110A Safe PlaceSTEM6 PianoMid1:48
  • 111A Safe PlaceSTEM7 PianoHi1:48
  • 112A Safe PlaceSTEM8 PianoMelody1:48
  • 113A Safe PlaceSTEM9 PianoReverse1:48
  • 114A Safe PlaceSTEM10 PianoRhythm1:48
  • 115A Safe PlaceSTEM11 Celeste1:48
  • 116UnitedALT1 NoLead1:43
  • 117United30 Seconds Edit0:33
  • 118United60 Seconds Edit1:00
  • 119UnitedSTEM1 Percussion1:43
  • 120UnitedSTEM2 Cymbals1:43
  • 121UnitedSTEM3 SynthPad1:43
  • 122UnitedSTEM4 SynthBass1:43
  • 123UnitedSTEM5 StringsLow1:43
  • 124UnitedSTEM6 StringsPads1:43
  • 125UnitedSTEM7 StringsHi1:43
  • 126UnitedSTEM8 StringsSpicc1:43
  • 127UnitedSTEM9 Piano11:43
  • 128UnitedSTEM10 Piano21:43
  • 129UnitedSTEM11 SynthHi1:43
  • 130ProgressALT1 NoLeads2:08
  • 131Progress30 Seconds Edit0:33
  • 132Progress60 Seconds Edit1:05
  • 133ProgressSTEM1 Percussion2:08
  • 134ProgressSTEM2 SynthBass2:08
  • 135ProgressSTEM3 StringsLow2:08
  • 136ProgressSTEM4 StringsFX2:08
  • 137ProgressSTEM5 StringsLegato2:08
  • 138ProgressSTEM6 StringsSpicc2:08
  • 139ProgressSTEM7 StringsPad2:08
  • 140ProgressSTEM8 Mandolin2:08
  • 141ProgressSTEM9 PianoHigh2:08
  • 142ProgressSTEM10 PianoLow2:08
  • 143ResolutionALT1 NoLeads1:54
  • 144Resolution30 Seconds Edit0:34
  • 145Resolution60 Seconds Edit1:04
  • 146ResolutionSTEM1 Percussion1:54
  • 147ResolutionSTEM2 StringsLow1:54
  • 148ResolutionSTEM3 StringsLegato1:54
  • 149ResolutionSTEM4 Winds1:54
  • 150ResolutionSTEM5 Brass1:54
  • 151ResolutionSTEM6 Drone1:54
  • 152ResolutionSTEM7 Keys1:54
  • 153ResolutionSTEM8 Piano1:54
  • 154Change The CourseALT1 NoLeads1:55
  • 155Change The Course30 Seconds Edit0:36
  • 156Change The Course60 Seconds Edit1:05
  • 157Change The CourseSTEM1 Kick1:55
  • 158Change The CourseSTEM2 StringsLow1:55
  • 159Change The CourseSTEM3 StringsPizz1:55
  • 160Change The CourseSTEM4 StringsPad1:55
  • 161Change The CourseSTEM5 Bells1:55
  • 162Change The CourseSTEM6 PianoLow1:55
  • 163Change The CourseSTEM7 PianoHi1:55
  • 164Focus On The MomentALT1 NoLeads2:09
  • 165Focus On The Moment30 Seconds Edit0:39
  • 166Focus On The Moment60 Seconds Edit1:06
  • 167Focus On The MomentSTEM1 Boom2:09
  • 168Focus On The MomentSTEM2 SubBass2:09
  • 169Focus On The MomentSTEM3 StringsLow2:09
  • 170Focus On The MomentSTEM4 StringsHi2:09
  • 171Focus On The MomentSTEM5 StringFX2:09
  • 172Focus On The MomentSTEM6 StringSpicc2:09
  • 173Focus On The MomentSTEM7 Pads2:09
  • 174Focus On The MomentSTEM8 Piano2:09
  • 175Focus On The MomentSTEM9 Plucks2:09




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